FARMINGTON NAMI Maine is excited to offer a Youth Mental Health First Aid course in partnership with MaineHealth that is designed for adults who regularly interact with young people.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a national best-practice, evidenced-based certification course that is seven hours in length, consisting of two hours of self-paced learning and five hours of instructor-led material virtually over Zoom.

Participants will learn about the common signs and symptoms of mental illness in youth including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (Adhd), and common signs and symptoms of substance use. They will also learn how to best interact with a child or adolescent in crisis and how to connect that person with help.

The course has been expanded this year to include content on trauma, addiction and self-care, as well as the impact of social media and bullying.

After registering, participants will be notified with login information to MHFA Connect to complete their pre-course work. The Zoom link for the training will also be located in MHFA Connect after the pre-work has been completed.

The virtual part of the training will be held on Thursday, March 9 from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Completion of the course leads to a three-year certification issued by the National Council on Behavioral Health.

Anyone with questions may contact NAMI Maine’s coordinator of youth community education, by telephone at 1-800-464-5767, ext. 2318 or email

To register visit NAMI Maine’s website at

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