To the Editor:

Angus King is raising Social Security’s retirement age, again. He’s taking away benefits.

Congress began increasing the Social Security age in 2000 to fix Social Security “permanently, and those age increases won’t even be finished for five years. If you need to raise it again, that policy has failed!

Angus King is one of the richest members in the Senate. He acts like rich people should have the right to make middle class workers work till they die, rather than tax CEO pay.

King has teamed up with extremist Republicans who want Social Security to “wither on the vine”. Raise the age to 100? Most people will die before collecting. Extremists won’t stop until we throw them out.

Angus King is a great place to start. He runs in a three-way general election race and is ripe for a young, energetic, Progressive – Real Democrat – woman to defeat him.

Bob Jean


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