Mr. Drew brought out some snakes as well as some really great smiles. Tami McGarvey

Rangeley Fire & Rescue Tami McGarvey always up for a good photo op.

On Saturday, April 29th the Rangeley Firefighters Association sponsored the educational hands-on program of Mr. Drew and His Animals Too. Children of all ages learned about and had hand on experiences with iguanas, snapping turtles, spiders, snakes and exotic insects. Home baked treats and goodies were supplied by the Rangeley Ladies Fire Auxiliary. It was a great experience for all who attended the free event.

Programs like Mr. Drew is one of the many things that the Rangeley Firefighters Association are able to do with all of the bottles and cans that are donated. Some other programs include our yearly awards to two Rangeley Lake Regional School seniors who are continuing their education, a fire prevention program, and the most popular program, Christmas for the Kids.

Christmas for the Kids is our yearly event where we poll the parents of children ages 13 and under for a gift they would like to receive from Santa. The presents are loaded onto several fire trucks and with the help of Santa and his helpers (maybe a few Grinches too) we make deliveries to those good girls and boys who reside in the 650 square miles of Rangeley Fire Rescue coverage area.

If you would like to donate your bottles, drop off locations include outside of Station 2 in Oquossoc, the lot across the street from the IGA on Main Street, and the Transfer Station. To all of you who already donated throughout the year, thank you.

Rangeley Firefighters Association Thank You for Your Continued Support

As always, We Are Here If You Need Us.

Tami McGarvey

Mr. Drew encouraging the fun as well as the love of learning. Tami McGarvey

Tami McGarvey

Rangeley Firefighter Carl Symes making a new friend.

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