DEAR SUN SPOTS: Our Grange is so appreciative of all you do to help the nonprofit clubs and churches. We would like everyone to know that Minot Center Grange will be holding a craft supply sale on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Anyone with leftover craft supplies who would like to rent a table to sell them may call Carol after 5 p.m. at 966-3036 or email Cindy at using Craft Supplies in the subject line.

Supplies could include, but are not limited to, fabrics, yarns, pompoms, eyes, paints, wood pieces, etc. Also, tools used for crafting and organizers for the tools and supplies sell well. The charge is $10 for a 6-foot table.

The Grange hall is located at the top of Center Minot Hill. From Route 11 take Garfield Road, Auburn, for 4 1/2 miles.

Hot dogs, American chop suey and drinks will be on sale. This sale is a fundraiser for the upkeep of the Grange building. — Esther Tucker for Minot Center Grange via email

DEAR SUN SPOTS: On May 31 you published my letter about our tax man not deducting our house tax and all the donations we made during the year. Your answer explained it really well. But so many people tell us he should have deducted our house tax and donations. He said if he did that we would be getting $500 less, because we were getting some back from our rental property. Maybe we should find another tax man? I have a hard time accepting what he told us. — No Name, Lewiston


ANSWER: Sun Spots could provide you with additional facts and figures, but considering your concerns, you probably need to have someone explain the figures in black and white on the tax form where you can see them.

So to put your mind at rest, take the copy of your tax return (your accountant should have given you one) to someone else to review. If either you or your husband are senior citizens, one option is SeniorsPlus, which has volunteers (retired tax professionals), who help seniors with their returns. You can call them at 795-4010.

Even though some tax returns are too complicated for the average untrained person to understand, you should still feel comfortable about the results your accountant provides. If you don’t, you should keep on asking questions until you are satisfied.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a recipe for rice pie that has been handed down through the family. It makes one rice pie.

Take 2 cups of cooked rice (don’t use minute rice; use the stuff you have to cook for 20 minutes), one small egg, 1/2 or 1/3 cup of sugar (sugar substitute may be used), 1 cup of milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla.

Combine and place in pie crust (I use a deep-dish frozen pie crust, thawed out). Sprinkle nutmeg on top and bake at 400 degrees for at least 30 minutes. — M. Perham, West Paris, via email


DEAR SUN SPOTS: On July 29 you published information about using calcium carbonate as a means to control excessive moisture. Where can it be purchased, and what is the approximate cost? Thank you. — George Glidden, Monmouth

ANSWER: Sun Spots bought hers at Aubuchon on Route 202 back in February. It was $13.49 for 20 pounds. Most hardware and home supply stores should have it during the right season. This time of year you may have to look around a bit.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Maine Medical Center will be hosting a conference on Depression in the Workplace — Costs and Solutions on Sept. 20 at the Augusta Civic Center. This one-day event will build employer awareness of the costs associated with employee depression and provide practical strategies and resources to minimize the impact on organizations and individuals/families.

An early bird registration discount is available through Aug. 20. Contact me for registration information. — Tom Downing, conference manager,, 781-1545

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