KINGFIELD — Voters here and in Avon, Phillips and Strong will consider an $11.5 million Maine School Administrative District 58 budget when they go to their respective polling stations June 13.

The budget was approved by voters in a districtwide vote May 23 at Mt. Abram High School in Salem Township. It reflects a $1.4 million increase over the existing budget.

The 2023-24 budget will go into effect July 1, if it is approved.

The biggest impact on the budget this year was the return of eight teaching positions and a half-time nurse position from the final federal grant from the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, according to Superintendent Todd Sanders.

The grant was provided to schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“These positions alone accounted for over $600,000 of the budget increase,” Sanders wrote in an email.  “The budget allows the district to maintain the current staffing and programming we currently have.”


There was a $30,000 reduction from the proposed budget at the districtwide vote. It was the result of going from a full-time food service director to a contracted service, he wrote.

Voting hours and locations June 13 are:

Avon, 1-6 p.m. at the Community Building;

Kingfield, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Webster Hall;

Phillips, 1-6 p.m. at the Town Office; and,

Strong, 1-6 p.m. at the Forster Memorial Building.

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