Oak Hill High School’s Little Theatre in the Woods club presents “Memorial: A Theatrical Oral History of Americans in Vietnam” for a Regional One-Act Festival. From left are Cara Pare, Nathan Fournier, Jocelyn Davis, Joshua Bonner, Colton Davis, Samuel Bonner, Kalana Sands and Julia Lachance. Submitted photo

Oak Hill High School’s Drama Club, Little Theatre in the Woods, will participate in the state’s Regional One-Act Festival, hosted by Windham High School on Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9.

The Wales-based school is scheduled to perform at 8:15 p.m. March 8.

Members of Oak Hill High School’s Little Theatre in the Woods in the production of “Memorial: A Theatrical Oral History of Americans in Vietnam.” From left are Julia Lachance, Jocelyn Davis and Joshua Bonner. Submitted photo

This year’s one act is “Memorial: A Theatrical Oral History of Americans in Vietnam,” written by Charles LaBorde. The play is set against the background of the dedication ceremonies for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982. A continual barrage of short scenes, unforgettable images, and frightening moments on a nearly bare stage create a mosaic that makes the war in Vietnam and the men and women who fought it devastatingly real. Based largely on interviews conducted by the author with veterans of the war, the play remains the definitive theatricalization of the Vietnam experience.

The cast of eight play multiple roles throughout this piece. It includes Cara Pare, Samuel Bonner, Colton Davis, Nathan Fournier, Kalana Sands, Joshua Bonner, Jocelyn Davis and Julia Lachance.

The production is directed by Lucy Rioux with technical direction by David Maher. The costumer designer is Lyn Swan. The tech crew includes Pauline Maloy, Adryanna Smith, Amanda Williams, Ryder Bussiere, and Stanley Golob.

The club will present an Invitational Dress Rehearsal, open to the public, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, at the 56 School Road high school. There will be no admission cost, and donations are appreciated.

For more information, email Rioux at lucyrioux@gmail.com.


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