At a local coffee shop the other day, I couldn’t help listening to a bunch of “know-it-alls” defending their party.

We’re letting social media and big money dictate how we vote.

We know that the most honest candidate that we favor doesn’t have a chance to win.

Special interests spend millions using social media convincing people that their “pick” is best to represent America.

At the ballot box the person who voters favor has no chance to win, so we vote the party of our choice.

Social media is giving the younger generation a negative impact on life. Buy now and pay later. Don’t deprive yourselves as your parents did.


Teachers are afraid to teach the old way for fear of being ridiculed. Teaching history and learning how one’s ancestors survived is not important. Going to the moon and having all this technology seems to be all that matters today.

Cursive writing is in the past. Credit cards and smartphones are in.

With all of the hot air blowing in Washington, D.C., I’m surprised that snowfall actually accumulates there.

Joe Voisine, The Villages, Florida

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