ROXBURY — Funding for a half-mile boardwalk trail near Roxbury Pond and replacing the loading dock at the public boat launch there are among 89 articles voters will decide at Sunday’s annual town meeting at the Town Office, 1095 Roxbury Road.

Select Board Chairman Tim Derouche said the reason for the trail is to alleviate some of the foot traffic on a section of Main Street, which is narrow and busy at times with vehicles going to and from the pond. “Hopefully, the residents will agree with it.”

“You’ll be able to enter the boardwalk from either Main Street or from the campground,” he said.

The $374,000 for construction will come from the Roxwind tax increment financing fund, which has been fully approved. “So there will be no raising of tax monies as they have the account with the funds now,” Derouche said.

The parcel of over 2.5 acres has been engineered by Main-Land Development Consultants of Livermore Falls, he said. “We’re still working on permitting but we’ve been to the Army Corps of Engineers and Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. The Army Corps of Engineers said we couldn’t fill it in with gravel, so 80% to 90% of it will be boardwalk, which will be costly.”

He said, “We priced it all out and because we have to go to boardwalk, we’ve got these metal pylons that will go down in the ground about 6 feet and we’ll put the boardwalk on top of that so it won’t move over the years or be on the ground, so as to keep the wetlands intact.”


“If it is approved, we will get going on it,” Derouche said. “I don’t know if we’ll complete it within the next year or so.”

Another article asks voters to raise $48,000 from the General Fund for the dock at the boat launch. Up to $42,804.50 would be reimbursed through a Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands Boating Facilities Fund grant.

Derouche said it will replace the loading dock. “It will be a fully ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant, from the parking lot out onto the platform so a boat can pull up to the side and someone can come down in a wheelchair and get on the boat.”

He said the town raised $25,000 a few years back toward the project. “They give us the money and we’ll probably do this this year.”

Tax collector and Treasurer Renee Hodsdon said the proposed 2024-25 municipal budget is about $667,560, or about $27,000 more than the current budget.

She said voters will be asked to raise $40,000 toward a future property revaluation. Last year’s appropriation was $5,000 and the balance forward is $32,411.77. She said officials don’t know the cost, but the revaluation is needed soon. The last one was in 2013.

Derouche said the Roxbury Historical Society is asking for more money and trying to help bring a veterans memorial to Roxbury.

Hodsdon said Select Board member Matt Patneaude has filed nomination papers for another three-year term, along with challenger James Manson. Voting will be by written ballot.

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