LIVERMORE FALLS — At the March 17 First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service, the Worship Team gathered before the service to rehearse and then at 9:30 a.m., Adult Sunday School.

The Worship Service began at 10:30 am as Kay Watson welcomed all to the service and read a few announcements of meetings and events. She led us as we sang two praise songs: “The Lord Is In His Holy Temple”, and “Find Us Faithful”.

Keyboard accompaniment was provided by Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery Pastor Rev. Russ Thayer read the call to worship from Psalm 138, Verses 1 – 3. He introduced prayer time, after which we recited The Lord’s Prayer. Our first hymn was “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”. Pastor Thayer went on to introduce the Junior Sermon, titled “Secret Box”. The “Box” is passed to a different child or an adult each week.

That person takes it home and places an item in the box. When the box is returned on the following Sunday, Pastor Thayer opens it to find the item, then relates his finding to a short lesson about Jesus. After the lesson, the children go to Sunday School.

Mission Moment: Carol Thayer spoke about the “America For Christ” mission and the importance of donations because the money is given to many causes that serve many people and needs in our nation. The it was time for “Happy Time”(Offering). During the Offertory, Maggie and Margaret played a familiar hymn, “Nothing But the Blood.” The Worship Team sang “I Cannot Tell”, a song that used the tune of “O Danny Boy”.

Pastor Thayer introduced his Sermon as he read from the Scripture of John, Chapter 18, Verses 15 – 18, and 23 – 27. The Scriptures tell us the story of Jesus and His Disciples on the night before the Crucifixion. Law officers went to find Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane. After speaking with Him, they asked a few of His Disciples what He had said to them and why they followed Him.


Simon Peter was one of those Disciples. When he was asked if he was a follower of Jesus, he denied that he was a Disciple. Simon had made a declaration to Jesus earlier. When Jesus had asked Peter if he loved him(Jesus), Peter had declared that he did love him. But when Soldiers asked if he was a Disciple, he denied it because he was afraid for his life.

Three times he denied any knowledge of Jesus. Jesus understood the denials because he understood that humans make mistakes. There are no perfect humans and Peter was in fear for his life. Every human makes mistakes, big and small. Jesus understands and if we ask, He will forgive us. He doesn’t want us to allow our past mistakes to ruin our lives. As far as Jesus is concerned, once He has forgiven our errors, it’s time to move on, learn from those errors, and start a new and better life with Jesus.

Our closing hymn was “More Love to Thee”. After the Benediction we sang, “Grace, Love and Fellowship”.


1. Food Cupboard: This month we are collecting canned spaghetti sauce. In April we will collect cereal.

2. Tuesdays at 6 p.m., there is a study of the movie, “The Chosen” with Pastor Thayer at the Parsonage.


3. Bible Study with Kay Watson, 10 a.m. at her home, 22 Old Jay Hill Road in Jay. All are welcome.

4. The next Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, March 23 from 9 a.m. to Noon. Free lunch served from 11 a.m. to Noon.

5. Palm Sunday on March 24 at 10:30 a.m.

6. Don’t forget Holy Week events: March 28: Maunday Thursday Service, 6:30 p.m. in the Vestry. March 29: Church open for Prayer, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 31: Easter Breakfast in the Vestry at 9:30 a.m   Easter Worship at 10:30 a.m.

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