LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, April 14,First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service Pastor Rev. Thayer officiated. Another beautiful Sunday morning greeted Parishioners as they arrived at the First Baptist Church for Worship Service. Maggie Houlihan played inspirational music on the pipe organ as people settled into their seats.

We were all happy to welcome back Richard Poland who was happy to sing with the choir. We also welcomed back our Pastor Russ Thayer and Maggie Houlihan, both out this past week for medical reasons.

Kay Watson opened Worship as she read a few announcements and led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “Great and Mighty”, and “Hallowed Be Thy Name”. Pastor Russ led us into Prayer Time, then we sang our first Hymn: “O, Jesus, I Have Promised”.

He continued into a special story for the children, and we gave our Tithes and Offerings as Maggie Houihan and Margaret Emery played “Love Lifted Me” on organ and piano. The Worship Team offered Special Music as they sanga lovely pieced of music by John Peterson: “Come Unto Me”.

The Sermon, “Joseph – From the Pits to the Top”, was introduced by Pastor Thayer as he referred to the Scripture from the Book of Genesis, Chapter37, Verses 12- 36; Chapter 41, Verses 41-45. The Scriptures tell the story about the life of the boy, Joseph. He grew up in a family of boys, but his father favored him over all the others.

They grew up tending sheep and working the land. Joseph was allowed to play, sleep and eat as he wanted while his father papmpered him. The brothers grew to hate their younger brother and plotted ways to get him in trouble and even do him harm. They wanted to get rid of him! But, beyond being a spoiled child, Joseph had a deep faith in God and he survived all the plots against him because of that faith. Read Joseph’s story in the Book of Genesis.


It speaks to each of us as we journey through life: keep your faith in God and he will never leave you, no matter what problems come your way. The Service closed as we sang: “In My Heart There Rings A Melody”, and after the Benedicton, we sang: “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World”.


1. Food Cupboard: this month we are collecting cereal, in May we will collect canned fruit.

2. There will be an American Baptist Women’s Conference at the North Livermore Baptist Church on April 27. If you would like to attend, see Kay Watson before April 22.

3. The next Soap ‘n More Store will open on Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to Noon. The Free Meal begins at 11 a.m.

4. The Worship Team meets every Thursday at 1 p.m.

5. The next Ladies’ Lunch will be on May 2 at 11 a.m.

6. The next Hymnsing will be held on Sunday, April 28 at 6 p.m. Come share the joy.

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