DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Please suggest some exercises for my husband, who is having a problem with balance. He admits it’s a problem. He looks like he’s about to fall when he gets out of a chair. He has to grab something to steady himself. This is only one example of his balance difficulty. He’s 78. He knows I’m writing you, and he wants me to tell you he’s not dizzy. We look forward to your suggestions. — L.Y.

ANSWER: I’ll give you and your husband some exercises, but you must take him to a doctor to make sure his problem isn’t rooted in a medical disorder that needs attention. Balance training isn’t strictly for older people. Athletes have to work on balance, too. The Karate Kid’s training included a great deal of balance exercises.

Loss of balance isn’t a sensation of whirling around. That’s dizziness — a quite different problem. With loss of balance, a person has to grab hold of something to stay steady and keep from falling. Rising from a chair is a good example of a situation where balance keeps us upright. However, part of the rising-from-a-chair difficulty is a loss of leg-muscle strength. These exercises will help overcome that, too.

During these exercises, someone has to stand next to your husband to grab him should he be on the verge of falling. A simple exercise is practicing rising from a very low chair. Your husband should spend five minutes rising and sitting from such a chair, and repeat this exercise three times during the day. As he gets stronger and more stable, he should do this with arms crossed over his chest.

Have your husband stand in the doorway between two rooms. He can greatly improve balance by standing on one foot and then the other. He holds the one-leg position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise for at least five minutes. The doorway gives him something to steady himself if he needs it.

Once he’s gotten confident in one-leg standing, have him swing the raised leg from right to left.


Tiptoe standing is another good balance exercise.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have a friend at my gym who suggests I try growth hormone. He knows where to get it. He says it works wonders for muscle growth. I’m sure he’s taking it, because he has a great body. I’m tempted to try it. What are your thoughts? — G.W.

ANSWER: Don’t try it. Growth hormone comes from the pituitary gland. It does exactly what its name implies: It enhances growth. It’s at peak production during the growth spurt of adolescence. From that time on, there’s a 14 percent reduction in production for every decade of life.

At one time, growth hormone was suggested as an antidote for the changes that aging brings with it. The enthusiasm for that use has waned.

Children who don’t make enough of the hormone are candidates for growth-hormone replacement. Athletes and bodybuilders are not. Its use is prohibited in competitive athletics. Some users combine it with male hormones to really bulk up their bodies. It’s unwise to adopt such a program.

Side effects include muscle and joint pain and swelling.


DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Please help. My heels become thick and dry, and crack when I wear skates. I do so every year during hockey season. What can I do to prevent this? They really hurt. — J.J.

ANSWER: This is a first. I have had this question from many people, but never from a hockey player.

Soak your feet in warm, soapy water. Then, with a pumice stone or callus file, remove some of the dead, leathery skin. You can find these in any drugstore. After the filing, apply a moisturizer. AmLactin is a good one. If you can’t find that particular brand, use any that is available to you.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Readers may also order health newsletters from

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