I saw in the Sun Journal (Jan. 24) that Rep. Teresea Hayes, D-Buckfield, the minority whip, has lashed out again, claiming that the governor may have contributed to the state’s stagnant economic progress. She was quoted as saying, “The chief executive should be the promoter in chief.”

Oh really? Perhaps Hayes prefers the “leadership style” of Barney Frank, who “rolled the dice” in the U.S. housing market; or maybe that of former Gov. John Baldacci, who attempted a bond issue to pay current operating costs; or to reach to even higher levels of leadership, the Irish Prime Minister who informed his country that all its banks were “solvent and well capitalized” just a week or two before the entire Irish banking system went under for more money than Ireland could ever hope to pay off.

I prefer to hear things told as they are, not as I might wish them to be.

The state is in its present situation by the public believing rosy political fictions about how things can be, and then electing the authors of those.

Please, no more “promoters in chief.”

Charles Berg, Buckfield

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