We have heard it before and here it is again: Paul Madore insists that because gays are asking for equal rights they are requesting “special treatment.”

If others already have the right to marry, how can it be considered “special” to request that same right?

It is no different than asking for equal pay for equal work. It is a request for the same freedom that others enjoy.

Franklin D. Roosevelt described the four freedoms which were painted by Norman Rockwell. They are freedom of speech, of religion and freedom from want and from fear.

Too often in our “Democracy” those who are “gay” have suffered horrible abuse — even death and suicide — because of the hate and prejudice inflicted on them.

Roy L. Smith wrote that “The ideal marriage is not one in which two people marry to be happy, but to make each other happy.”


Those of us who support equal rights believe that pursuit of happiness should be an equal right.

The people asking for “special treatment” are Madore and conservative Christians. Despite our guaranteed freedom of religion, they insist that everyone accept their rules.

There are other religions and their rules are different. “All are worthy, all are welcome,” for example.

Those campaigning against equal rights are not being asked to participate in any way, shape or form in gay marriages.

It would be a welcome change if they would live and let live, and support love, not hate.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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