My wife and I had the opportunity to stand on the front steps of Lewiston City Hall with Paul Madore and Michael Heath and others, while their political action committee, dedicated to defeating the statewide referendum to legalize same-sex marriage, launched its campaign on June 9.

We have been very active throughout the past 17 years, serving Lewiston through the vehicle of the Jesus Party Pentecostal Kid’s Church.

I want our position on same-sex marriage to be very clear. The leadership and volunteers of this ministry oppose the homosexual lifestyle and will work diligently to encourage others to embrace traditional marriage between one man and one woman.

The biggest threat to accomplishing this task does not come from the gay community or from radical homosexual activists. The problem we face in defeating this same-sex marriage issue comes from within our own camp. Not one pastor or church from Lewiston, except the Jesus Party, stood with this political action group to denounce homosexuality as morally wrong.

The second thing we have working against us is the divorce rate and immoral behavior among the Christian community. We would be stronger if pastors would refocus and stop entertaining people with drama, music, films and socials and get back to informing their congregations on important Bible doctrines, such as moral behavior and conduct that is acceptable to the Scriptures.

What is really at stake is holy matrimony, and I cannot stress the word “holy” enough.

The Rev. Douglas Taylor, Lewiston

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