The absurdity of Thomas Shields’ letter (July 2) is proof positive that radical, right-wing Republicans are wrecking this country.

Liberal is defined as “broad-minded: tolerant of different views and standards of behavior in others.” Apparently Shields has no respect for the opinions of anyone who thinks differently from the far right-wing he supports so faithfully. Definitely not liberal values.

President Barack Obama is as much of a racist as I am a Republican. To suggest the president is racist is unbelievably ridiculous. Does Shields also claim that Obama is not a U.S. citizen?

The existence of voter fraud is a right-wing rallying cry to lock the poor and depressed (many of whom vote liberal) out of the voting process.

Angus King’s choice to support Obama is his right. The Republican party ran this country into the ground for eight years and proved their loyalties are to the rich. Historically, it is the middle class that makes this country grow.

The two-party system is broken. It is time for independent minds to rally and demand government be loyal to the citizens of this country and not party politics.

The Republican Party no longer commands respect as the “party of Lincoln.” It has become radical, intolerant of the views of others and beholden to the corporate world, not to the people who put them in office.

David Marquis, Lewiston

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