I was amazed to see a Lewiston city official, School Committee member Sonia Taylor, announce on statewide television news that Lewiston does, in fact, have a two-tiered educational system; one for the “haves,” the other for the “have-nots.”

Even more astonishing was her assertion that is a desirable situation, and the students from well-off families should be segregated from the poorer, primarily immigrant population downtown. She stated that “It’s not a crime to work hard to choose the right schools for your kids.”

That is a fine example of the racism practiced by liberals in the wealthy towns of Maine. They preach diversity and inclusion, as long as it is in somebody else’s town/neighborhood. Then, when that same attempt to implement diversity and inclusion hits a little too close to home, suddenly the reasons why it’s a bad idea “for my neighborhood” or my social class start cropping up.

Of course they are all wonderful reasons that have nothing to do with racism, or the desire to avoid diversity or inclusiveness.

I would be willing to wager more than a handful of those preachers of the diversity gospel, those people who raked Mayor Robert Macdonald over the coals for his recent comments, will be among the most vocal opponents to the school redistricting plan.

Somehow, I doubt they will lose their credibility among their fellow liberals because, after all, it is the thought that counts — right?

Andrew Hall, Lewiston

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