Jehovah’s Witnesses, famous for door-to-door evangelism, believe their faith’s authorities teach the only true interpretations of the Bible, including these tenets:

• Orthodox Christianity wrongly believes in the Trinity, one God in three persons. Jesus isn’t God and the Holy Spirit is merely God’s impersonal power. Before his earthly birth, Jesus was the Archangel Michael, and God’s proper name is Jehovah.

• Since Satan rules this world, true believers must not vote, hold public office, serve in the military or salute national flags.

• Jesus died on a single “torture stake,” not a cross.

• “Pagan” observances such as Christmas, birthdays and national holidays shouldn’t be celebrated.

• Believers should consider “theocratic” careers without worldly higher education.

• The last days began in 1914 and the War of Armageddon will occur while people conscious of 1914 events remain alive. (Prior to 1975, the literature strongly suggested that the final war would occur while people who lived during World War I were still alive.)

• After the current world system ends, true believers will enjoy paradise on earth while 144,000 of the anointed rule with Jesus in heaven. Others will be annihilated, not punished eternally, since hell is the grave.

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