PORTLAND — Bishop Richard Malone, apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Portland, has designated Wednesday, March 6, as a diocesan-wide Day of Prayer and Penance for harm done to victims/survivors of past incidents of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. In the bishop’s absence, Monsignor Andrew Dubois will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception at 12:15 p.m. The Prayers of the Faithful will specifically reflect the intentions of the day at the Mass.

“Each year, I ask the clergy of the diocese to join me by marking a day of contrition for past offenses against minors,” said Bishop Malone. “Through prayer and reflection, may we become even more committed to healing the wounds of the past and preventing sexual abuse in the future.”

During Masses in Maine on Wednesday, priests are encouraged to have special intentions celebrated, including prayers for victims/survivors of abuse for their healing; for perpetrators of abuse to seek and find repentance and justice; for diocesan clergy, employees and volunteers to serve with a spirit of respect and humility; and for families to create a safe, loving and peaceful environment for their children. All diocesan priests and deacons are invited to attend the Mass at the Cathedral, as are all media members.

Since 2002, more than 14,000 church employees and volunteers, including all priests and educators, in Maine who work with children have been trained in a safe environment program. Background checks are mandated for this group and an abuse prevention program for children in religious education classes and schools is also offered.

“The Catholic Church seeks forgiveness for past harm and pledges not only to make our parishes and schools safe, but also to give parents and children the information they need to be safe in all settings where children spend time,” said Bishop Malone.

Eleven years ago, the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was implemented by the Catholic Church in the United States. It mandates that any representative of the church who sexually abuses a minor will be permanently removed from ministry. It also calls for the reporting of all complaints to civil authorities, thorough investigations of all complaints and reimbursement for therapy to victims/survivors.

Bishop Malone encourages anyone who may have information about any case of sexual abuse of a minor by a church representative to contact civil authorities and Michael Magalski, director of the Office of Professional Responsibility for the Diocese of Portland, at 207-321-7836.

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