I am disappointed in the way some local officials have viewed the issue of oil sands. It is discouraging that much of the information in media coverage on oil sands is false and that some local officials in the Sebago Lakes region continue to overlook facts the Healthy Waters Coalition has presented time and time again.

I had more faith in common sense before reading an article in the Sun Journal (“Oil sands through Maine? The battle is on despite no plan,” March 24). To this point, I find that the media coverage has presented the opinions of those with extreme views, either for or against.

You don’t have to be Ben Carson to figure out that it is unwise to allow oil sands to flow through Sebago Lakes Region without scrutiny to the nth degree. The resolution presented by the Healthy Waters Coalition, now revised for the town of Raymond, addresses the concerns. It is a fair document and in no way attacks the Portland-Montreal Pipe Line or the oil industry. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.

The HWC is a group of concerned, tax-paying citizens who want the Lakes Region towns to follow state guidance on oil spill prevention and to protect the Sebago Lake watershed. We would like our town representatives to follow protocol, do what is right, and mirror federal and state environmental agency standards.

It begs the question: What else is needed to help those with fogged lenses to see the clear picture?

William Fraser, Raymond

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