Prospect Hill
Wednesday Morning
Ladies Golf League
Game Of The Week,
 Blind Partners, Winners
1. Martha Cielinski and Claudette Roy (74); 2. Joyce Michaud And Karyn Papineau (77); 3. Jean Cote and Jackie Gardner (81)
Net Game Winners, 1st Division: 1. Phoebe Lowell (39); 2. Pauline Blais (40); 2nd Division: 1. Jan Adkisson (40-tie); 2. Pauline Couture (40-tie); 3rd Division: 1st Place: Maddy Moreau (41) 2nd Place: Jolene Girouard (42) Closest To The Pin #15: 1st Place: Camille Booker (1’ 10”); 2nd Place: Karyn Papineau (3’ 2”); 50/50 Winner: Maddy Moreau.
Area Golf
Travel League standings
1. Dick Austin/John Chouinard Jr.; 2., 3. Tie: Andy Lunch/Rusty Clukey; 4. Percy Doucett/Horace Smith; Close to pin: Dick Austin/John Chouinard Sr.; Biggest plus: Terry White/Frank Picard/John Wentzell/ Ron McAllister/Ken Dubay
Wednesday Morning
Ladies Golf League
Game Of The Week Winners:
1st Division: 1. Martha Cielinski (tie– 29); 2. Joyce Michaud (tie-29) 2nd Division: 1. Pauline Couture (32); 2. Claire Biron (33); 3rd Division: 1. Joni Villani (35); 2. Chris Sirois (37);
Net Game Winners
1st Division: 1. Camille Booker (34); 2. Pat Carr (37); 2nd Division: 1. Jean Blanchette (34); 2. Jackie Gardner (38); 3rd Division: 1. Karyn Papineau (36); 1. Susi Allten (42); Closest To The Pin # 3: 1. Phyllis Greim (6’ 6”); 2. Pat Carr (8’); 50/50 Winner: M J Lesperance
Member-Member 2
Ball and Skins
First net: Scott Fennessy/Dave Cowan 63; Third Net: Jim Fennessy/Fred Warner 64; First net: Steve Bodge/Lonney Steeves 63
Gross 1. Fred Warner, 2. Fred Warner, 7. Fred Warner; 8. Scott Fennessy; 10. Scott Fennessy; 12. Scott Fennessy; 13. Scott Fennessy; 15. Scott Fennessy; 16. Scott Fennessy; Net: 8. Scott Fennessy; 12. Scott Fennessy; 13. Scott Fennessy; 15. Scott Fennessy.
Mixed Twilight 2-Ball and Pins
First net: Bob Cochran/Rachel Newman 28; First gross: Debbie Murphy/Trent Murphy 37; Second net: Dave St. Andre/Carmen Cohen 30; Pins: No. 13: Debbie Murphy 7’2”; No. 15, Dave. St. Andre 16’7”
Poland Spring
Weekend Golf
Better Ball of Two
Gross & Net: Larry Ross – Dan Bouttenot 71 Gross; Joe Bruno – Ed Piirainen 71 Gross; Gil Poliquin – Diana Poliquin 55 Net; Tom Schultz – Joe Bruno 60 Net; Sharon Fasulo – Phil Fasulo 60 Net; Closest to Pin #8; Dan Bouttenot 14’1”
Individual gross and net
Mark Laliberte 72 Gross; Tommy Thompson 61 Net; Gil Poliquin 62 Net; Stan Tetenman 62 Net; Ken Luce 63 Net; Joe Bruno 64 Net; Mark Fasulo 65 Net; Walter Ridlon 66 Net; Sharon Fasulo 66 Net; Ralph Maines 66 Net; Closest to Pins: #8 Ken Luce 9’0” #13 Lisa Laliberte 5’8”
Better Ball of Two
Gross & Net: Larry Ross – Dan Bouttenot 71 Gross; Joe Bruno – Ed Piirainen 71 Gross; Gil Poliquin – Diana Poliquin 55 Net Tom Schultz – Joe Bruno 60 Net h; Sharon Fasulo – Phil Fasulo 60 Net; Closest to Pin #8: Dan Bouttenot 14’1”
Individual Gross and Net: Mark Laliberte 72 Gross; Tommy Thompson 61 Net; Gil Poliquin 62 Net; Stan Tetenman 62 Net; Ken Luce 63 Net; Joe Bruno 64 Net; Mark Fasulo 65 Net; Walter Ridlon 66 Net; Sharon Fasulo 66 Net; Ralph Maines 66 Net.
Closest to Pins: #8 Ken Luce 9’0”; #13 Lisa Laliberte 5’8”
Hole in one
Dan Arundel made a hole in one on the eighth hole with a driver. The 184-yard shot was witnessed by Dick Record, Charlie Record and Paul Bartley.
Stableton Tournament
POLAND — Sunday, June 23. Stableford Tournament. T1. Reco Arnoldy +4, Harold Jones +4, John Lever +4. T4 Tim Fickett +3, Marcel Morin +3. Pins: No. 11. 1. Marcel Morin, 4-11; 2. John Lever, 9-6 1/2. No. 13. 1. Dave Van Baars, 10-8; 2. Marcel Morin, 32-7.
1. Don Wilson, Bob Bolduc, Dick Cooper and Ray Leclair -42; 2. J. R. Levasseur, Dick Cote, John Mathieu and Dana Miles -40; 3. Wayne Dadmun, Len Winsky, Mike Labreque and Ron Girioux -35; Pin #11: 1. J. R. Levasseur, 10’ 10’’; 2. Dennis Fox 12’ 8’’; 3. Dick Cooper 14’ 6’’; Pin #13: 1. Dick Cooper 12’’; 2. Claude Lesperance 15’ 10’’; 3. Pat Cailler 16’ 7’’
Wednesday Night
Men’s League
J Lever / D Lever, 167; S Lever / R Arnoldy, 165.5; Greenlaw / Luce, 144.5; Fennessy / Haley, 142; Bilodeau / Emery, 141.5; Dionne / Cyr, 139.5; Caron / Caron, 138.5; Burrel / McManus, 136; Pinkem / Mattieu, 131.5; Jalbert / Sawyer, 131.5; Dubois / Smyth, 125.5; Letourneau / Bosse,123.5; Knowlton / Haines,123; Marichal / Moe Bissonette, 118.5; Tabb / Bissonnette, 115; D Poulin / Mackey, 69; Pin #11: Scott Fennessy; Low Gross A: Scott Lever – 36 B: Emery / Dave Caron – 45; Low Net A: Scott Lever – 33 B: Moe Bissonnette – 33
Apple Valley
Ladies Golf League
Game of the Day , Odd Holes: A: Doris Martin Total : 25; B: Jackie Goulet Total : 30; Low Gross A: Jessica Maloy 47; Low Net A: Jeanne Read 44; Low Gross B: Jessica Poisson 51; Low Net B: Marie Bisson 40; 50/50 ( least putts): Diane Caron 14; Birdies: 0.
Pine Acres
AUBURN — Monday June 24, Seniors Scramble results . Flight one John Pike / Dick Caron/ Dick Palman / Jody Flagg / Richard Beaulieu –3. Flight two Wayne Seiger /Herb Wyman /Bart Shipley /Carolyn Robertson /Joyce StPierre –2. Flight three Jose Leiva /Roger Bertrand /Don Hawley / Bonney Nolin /Jean Cote — 2. PIN Chuck Drinkwater 7’ 1” . Jose Leiva 12’ 9”. 50/50, Diane Doyon, Chuck Drinkwater.
Dad’s Place
Monday Night League
1. Ryan Cook and Matt Drewal; 2. Dan Robbins and Bill Halchuck; 3. Jim Morin and Ken Brousseau; 4. Maryanne Wearing and Lydia Harvey; Closest to the pin: Dan Boulet; Closest to the pin, No. 14 (second shot): Ken Brousseau.
Paris Hill
Ladies League
Barb Bishop, Linda Cushman and Anita Davis are in first place. Carol Whitman and Bobbi Bickford each won pins.
Senior League
George Ames +10; Aaron Burke +7; Larry Langelier +7, Charlie Fitzgerald +6; John Gross +6; Paul Jackson +6; Tom Wylie +6
Monday Morning Points
1stPlace: Brian Callahan +14 points; 2nd Place Tie, Gene Couture +4 Points; Gerry Landry +4 Points; Closest to the pins: Hole #3, Gerry Landry 15’5”; Hole #17, Lou Morin, 17’4”.
Thursday Couples League
Gross: 1. Bob Field & Mary O’Mara; 2. Brenda & Richard Foster; Net: 1. J
Al & Judy Edgecomb; Pin, Hole No. 17: Richard Foster 37’6”
Senior Two-Ball Results
1st Reggie Mailhot & Ken Gibbs 55; 2nd Don Fagan & Claude Heutz 57; 3rd Gary Hall & Chip Morrison 60 Pins: #4 Reggie Mailhot 19’ $15.00; #9 Doug Craib 5’8” $15.00;
#11 Bob Blanchette 9’ $15.00; #17 Bob Turner 7’5” $15.00;
Skins Game
Gross: Don Fagan #2; Doug Craib #10; Reggie Mailhot #11
All Skins Worth
Bob Blanchette #12 $16.00ea; Don Fagan #14; Bob Blanchette #15; Net: Gary Hall #6
Larry Faiman #7; Reggie Mailhot #13
Hole in One
Paul D. Roy from Mechanic Falls dropped made a hole in one on the 17th hole at Augusta Country Club. Roy’s shot was wintnessed by Bim Clifford, Chip Larlee and Larry Fairman. It was his second hole in one
Ryder Cup
Skins & Pins
Pins: Sid Cohen, #3-6-’10”; Craig Chapman #5-5’1/2”; Paul Carpentier #13-2’6”; Andrew Slattery #16-3’6”; Gross: Craig Chapman #5-2; Bill Williams #8-3; Chris Cloutier #12-3; Brad Pattershall #13-2; Moe Morrin #14-3; Andrew Slattery #16-2, #17-3; Net: Scott Garey #32-1; Jim Pelletiet #4-53; Bill Williams #8-4/3; John Coutts #9-4/3; Tom Tiner #11-4/3; Matt Carroll #12-4/2; George Hopkins #13-2/1, #18-4/2; Carl Goody #15-3/2, #17-4/3. Ultimate: Scott Garey #3-1; Glen Fillion #6-2; Bill Williams #8-3; John Coutts #9-3; Tom Tiner #11-3; George Hopkins #13-1, #18-8; Carl Goody #15-2, #16-3

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