The choice of editorial cartoon on Sept. 24 was, to say the least, unfortunate. The cartoonist (Carlson) depicted a smirking U.S. House of Representatives Republican elephant keeping score on his votes — multiple votes to repeal Obamacare, zero votes to reduce mass shootings. I don’t think it was fair.

The second generation of so-called “gun-free zone” law — a revision of the Gun-Free Schools Zone Act of 1990 that was ruled unconstitutional — was pushed through Congress by former President Bill Clinton and the Democrats in 1996. All of the mass killings at schools (such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, etc., and at military installations such as Fort Hood and the Navy Yard) were in those insane “gun-free zones.”

Declaring an area to be a “gun-free zone” is like declaring the steamship Titanic to be “unsinkable.”

I have to wonder if there would have been as many casualties in those shootings if Clinton’s law had not been pushed through by Democrats.

Harvey Lord, South Paris

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