Every person is unique, and the things that drive one person may be foreign to another. But nearly every family or group of friends has an athlete in their midst, and gifting the family athlete can be both fun and easy.

The following are a few gift ideas, broken down by sport, for shoppers looking to please their favorite athletes this holiday season.

The Weightlifter

Weightlifting is now embraced by people of all shapes and sizes. This activity is often recommended as an integral part of a successful exercise regimen, so shoppers can help their favorite fitness fanatics make the most of their weightlifting routines with a few gifts designed to do just that.

Weightlifting belts can help prevent injury by supporting lifters’ backs as they workout. For lifters who don’t tip the scales, a dip belt makes an ideal gift. Such belts allow men and women to add weight to their body when performing exercises like dips, pull-ups and chin-ups.

That extra weight helps athletes challenge themselves and build strength and muscle. Workout gloves also make great gifts for weightlifters, helping to protect their hands from developing potentially painful and unsightly calluses that often result from weightlifting.


A new gym bag is another potential gift for the family weightlifter. Such bags make it more convenient for athletes to carry their accessories, such as belts, gloves, athletic shoes, or even tablets to use while on the treadmill or elliptical machines.

The Ballplayer

Whether shoppers’ favorite ballplayers are still taking cuts at fastballs or have moved on to slow-pitch softball, these players will appreciate gifts they can put to good use on the diamond. Softball bats can be quite expensive, but the right bat can make a big difference in the batters’ box.

Consider a new mitt, a sleek pair of sunglasses to make watching for flyballs that much easier or batting gloves to lessen the bit of chilly air many hitters are aware of come early spring when the last of the winter weather just won’t go away.

The Martial Artist

Mixed martial arts is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Thanks in large part to its increasingly strong presence on television, mixed martial arts has inspired athletes across the globe to embrace various forms of martial arts training, and gift options abound for such athletes.


Belts, mats and striking pads can help athletes hone their skills both in the gym and at home, while instructional DVDs can help novice martial arts enthusiasts practice before finding martial arts facilities in their neighborhoods.

The Yogi

Though its status as a sport is open to debate, yoga can be just as strenuous and physically demanding as more traditional physical activities. Yoga serves many purposes, and more and more athletes have begun to embrace yoga to improve their flexibility, balance and strength.

While yoga does not require much in the way of supplies, yoga enthusiasts do need yoga mats and clothing that allows them to perform the various poses a typical yoga session demands.

Holiday shoppers may even want to buy the athletes on their lists a few sessions at their nearby yoga studios in an effort to supplement their existing workouts. Many who try yoga often find it has a positive effect on their normal workout routines, so even if your favorite athlete has never tried yoga, he or she might find it’s just the thing to take his or her workout to the next level.

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