With all due respect for Mike Aldrich’s religion, his insistence that “Marriage cannot be redefined” (Sun Journal, June 3) is based only on that religion. It puts his religion in control of public government.

My religion (Universalist) does not ban the marriage of same sex couples. I believe that God does not discriminate. Jesus did not cast stones. “All are worthy, all are welcome.”
Ulysses S. Grant wrote, “Religion belongs at the family altar, the church and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the state forever separate.”

Aldrich asks, “Am I an enemy because I want to get people into heaven?” Thanks, but no thanks. I really do not want to go to his heaven. The heaven I want will have my straight friends, my gay friends, my relatives, lots of interesting people and things, and my dogs.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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