PARIS — Town officials expect to meet with representatives of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad soon to discuss repair plans for several railroad crossings in town.

On Monday, Town Manager Amy Bernard reported to selectmen that she and Highway Director James Hutchinson expect to meet SL&A representatives sometime next week.

Several of the railroad crossings in town, including where the track crosses Main Street, are in an advanced state of disrepair, and vehicles typically slow down to a crawl or swerve to the side of the road to escape the brunt of crossing the exposed tracks and jagged, broken asphalt.

“I emailed them last week. They are well aware of it and plan on fixing it,” Bernard said.

The company intends to talk about what steps can be taken to address the Main Street crossing, as well as similarly battered crossings on Oxford and High streets.

Bernard said repairing the Main Street crossing will include partnering with the Maine Department of Transportation, because it is located on Route 26, a state road.

Crossing repairs will likely involve a detour around the area, Bernard said.

“It pretty much acts like a detour right now,” quipped Selectman Ryan Lorrain. “You can see people swerving around it all the time.”

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