FARMINGTON — The timeline for developing the RSU 9 budget for 2014-15 has been revised to start Tuesday, April 1.

The process was supposed to begin this week, but was changed after the school board moved the referendum validation vote to June 10 to coincide with the state primary election. Some towns requested the change to save money.

The first budget meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Forum at the Mt. Blue Campus on Seamon Road.

Superintendent Tom Ward said he will present the board with a list of the highest priority needs from teachers and administration on Tuesday. He will also present the work of the Budget Committee on prioritizing these needs into two categories: Required increases as the top needs and after that the highest priorities with dollar amounts for each, he said.

He will also present the amount of funding the district anticipates receiving from the state, the district’s projected built-in increases for salary, benefits and health care.

The second budget meeting will be at 6 p.m. April 3 at the Forum.


The presentation will begin with sections of instruction, starting with elementary and move to secondary, districtwide, bilingual, and gifted and talented, if time allows.

“If we can complete all sections of the budget in less time than expected, we could begin budget deliberations on the whole budget (on April 17 rather than waiting until April 29.) We would like to have the April 29 meeting be for public comment on the budget,” he said.

It is anticipated that the districtwide meeting and first budget vote will be at 7 p.m. May 2 at Mt. Blue Campus auditorium.

RSU 9 serves the towns of Chesterville, Farmington, Industry, New Sharon, New Vineyard, Temple, Starks, Vienna, Wilton and Weld.

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