FARMINGTON — Blending hands-on healing practices with drawn visions is the basis of a new, cooperative healing art offered by Healing Insights.

Pam Sorrentino, a licensed massage therapist, has united part of her work with medium/clairvoyant Annette Parlin, who also is an artist.

As Sorrentino provides a blend of Reiki, angelic touch and Shamanic bodywork for a client, Parlin observes, quickly drawing what she sees, often guiding guardians, angels or deceased loved ones that surround the person.

Energies come through, ones that provide healing not just for the body but also the spirit and emotions, Parlin said.

The energy, people often feel, shows Sorrentino where healing is needed. Sometimes it’s a physical pain, sometimes an emotional pain or a fear from a past life that Sorrentino picks up on.

The visions drawn by Parlin often validate life experiences and help the client make connections to the spirit guides she said surround people, she said.


Sometimes it reveals past lives of the client, she said.

It’s a unique blending of talents and neither of them is aware of anyone else teaming up as they have, they said.

Sorrentino and Parlin offer a 90-minute session, an hour of energy healing followed by 30 minutes of discussion about what happened and the drawings. Sessions are recorded and the client takes the art home.

The sessions are tailored to the person’s needs, although some come with a predetermined idea who they want to show up, Sorrentino said.

“Come with an open mind,” Sorrentino said. “What happens needs to happen on that day for you. Who or whatever is going to be revealed to us plays out in the moment, and is geared for your healing.”

“We need to open our minds to possibilities,” Parlin said. “Closed-mindedness comes from fear. Knowledge is power. People are searching for more peace, love and to know what life is all about.”


Although Parlin refers to God because that was what she was taught as a child, it’s about a source or energy out there with the intelligence to begin everything, she said.

Parlin said growing up psychic in the 1950s created fears for her, although she has several family members who are psychic. In her teens, she found an older woman who provided answers, including clues to past lives, she said. Now, the guides who surround her are her teachers.

She does readings and ghost investigations, sees spirits and can now involve her artistic talents, she said.

When Parlin came for a Reiki healing session, Sorrentino had a lot of visions, she said. She didn’t know Parlin was psychic at that time, she said.

It was Sorrentino’s grandfather, “who is around me in spirit,” she said, who encouraged her through a vision to work with Parlin.

“He came from Italy with $14 in his pocket,” she said. “He became a self-made businessman and millionaire. I get my business senses from him.”


Sorrentino offers massage therapy, Reiki and Shamanic bodywork through her Main Street business called Balance in Motion. She has 25 years of experience, including work with hospice patients, she said.

Parlin said she has seen and drawn an angel governing Sorrentino’s work. The angel was holding a crystal between Sorrentino and the client, providing energy for healing, Parlin said.

“I draw what I see,” she said.

Some people are surrounded and supported by lots of spirits or pets, she said. It can help in the dying process to know we’re never alone; a loved one is in the room, she said.

It’s a more open time for seeking the spiritual, she said. People respond to people like Theresa Caputo, known as the Long Island Medium, who makes connections for people.

For Sorrentino and Parlin, the time is right for this creative and cooperative healing art.

Hands-on energy healing works and, “we are coming to understand that we have many guiding guardians around us,” they wrote in a release.

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