Unaccompanied children are streaming across the nation’s southern border by the thousands. The New York Times reported June 4 that 47,017 unaccompanied children had been apprehended at the southwest United States border since Oct. 1.

In 2013, the Department of Homeland Security released 36,007 convicted criminal aliens from detention who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a report, “ICE Document Details 36,000 Criminal Alien Releases in 2013,” from the Center for Immigration Studies, May, 2014.

What is going on here?

We are seeing the rapid unraveling of this nation — permitted, encouraged, aided, abetted, and promulgated by the Obama Administration.

Congressman Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, said at a May 31 hearing that “The Obama Administration has taken unprecedented and, most likely unconstitutional, steps in order to shut down the enforcement of our immigration laws …”

And there is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals initiative by the administration that gives legal status to illegal aliens brought here as children. Another usurpation of congressional prerogatives.


And what have we in Maine heard from Sens. Angus King and Susan Collins? Not a peep.

Both of our dear leaders voted for last year’s U.S. Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill, aka, amnesty, but what is going on is surely beyond the pale, even for King and Collins.

But not a peep from either of them. Where’s the outrage?

Bob Casimiro, Bridgton

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