It is now an established fact that Gov. Paul LePage contracted with the Alexander Group for nearly $1 million to “prove” that Maine welfare programs should not expand.

What else has LePage done?

• He has vetoed more bills than any other governor in history;

• He has refused federal money to increase Medicaid; and

• He has called a Democratic legislator a bad person with no brains and used a sexually vulgar phrase.

Attorney General Janet Mills has ruled that a proposal to ban immigrants and asylum seekers from receiving help is illegal and unconstitutional.


From Atlantic magazine: “America’s most outlandish governor says ‘Obama hates white people.'”

Rep. Mikc Michaud has served honorably in Maine’s House and Senate and the U.S. House.

I will vote to return honesty and decency to Maine’s governor’s office.

Ronald Melendy, Auburn

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