FARMINGTON — Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Erin Arthers announces that Taylor McAfferty will continue at the chamber throughout the summer as the part-time assistant executive director.

McAfferty was an intern at the chamber during her spring semester of college this year. Her main task was to work on the design and layout of the 2014-15 Franklin County Welcome Guide, which the chamber publishes each spring.

McAfferty is from Woodville and graduated in 2011 from Schenck High School. She will be starting her senior year at UMF this fall as an English major. She has been working in her formal classes and through outside internships toward a career in the publishing field.

Outside of school work and internships, she enjoys journaling in her free time and singing in UMF’s a cappella group, the Clefnotes.

The chamber’s office is at 615 Wilton Road at the Farmington Walmart. The 2014-15 Franklin County Welcome Guide is now available.

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