DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am writing this letter for all the people who have recently complained that at one time or another they have lost WMTW Channel 8, when for years they did not have any problems.

I may be wrong, but I do have an idea. It seems they have had problems since the station moved from Danville to Westbrook. A change of location could make a difference.

I feel sorry for them. Channel 8 and 58 are my favorite channels. Eight has beautiful programs, and you can’t beat 58 for spirituality.

Good luck and happy new year. — J.B.T., Lewiston

ANSWER: Sounds logical, but there are a couple of problems with that theory. The first is that the transmitter, which is in West Baldwin, is separate from the studios, so the move has no bearing on the signal. 

The second is that the Auburn studio is still there. WMTW moved its Portland studios to Westbrook, but has not yet done so with Auburn.


In the news stories from last spring when the move to Westbrook was announced, WMTW representatives were quoted as saying it would be a couple of years before any changes to the Auburn facility.

The Channel 8 signal mystery continues. Sun Spots still doesn’t have it either.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to the query about the Westmore brothers (Dec. 27), please let your readers know that that the Westmore makeup tradition (Oscar and Emmy winners) is currently supported by the fourth generation from Marvin George Westmore (son Kevin and daughter Kandace) as well as Wally Westmore’s granddaughter Pam.

You can learn more about this at the George Westmore Research Library & Museum, — George Westmore,

ANSWER: The fact that George saw that column is a testament to search engines and the power of the Internet. He probably does regular searches to see if anyone has mentioned the Westmores.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The bill I received from Dish after the technician visited (Dec. 13 letter) was $10 more than usual. I called and spoke to a man who was difficult to understand, but he said he was giving me a $7 credit.


I find their billing so hard to understand that I don’t know what next month will bring. It looks like I was given an $18 credit on this bill for the two defective receivers the technician took back, so next month may be even more.

I will pay a couple dollars more a month — if that is the end result, because the new ones have HD, but I still only have three TVs working because the technician that installed the new ones told me I needed a new TV on one box.

You have to watch your billing very closely. I suspect that the additional charge was for the two extra boxes but don’t know for sure. I was never told that they would be installing single boxes and be charged extra, so that is a deal breaker for me. — Marilyn via email

ANSWER: Sun Spots, who must muddle through Mr. Sun Spots’ cable bill, sympathizes, but she thinks you should persist until you understand. If you get someone you can’t understand, you might try suddenly shrieking into the phone “Oh, no, my pie is burning! I’ll have to call you back,” and hang up. That way you don’t hurt the reps’ feelings or get them into trouble by saying on the call, which may be recorded, that you can’t understand them.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am writing from Deny’s Service Center. The street number is wrong. Could you please correct our address to be 1256 Sabattus St., Lewiston, not 125? Thank you so much. — Nancy,

ANSWER: Sun Spots is sorry for the error and has fixed it in her Rolodex listing of providers of electronic repairs.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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