• LISBON FALLS – All the schools in town that have been closed due to scarlet fever will be reopened Monday. There seems to be no further spread of the disease and it is thought by the school officials and the board of health that, as every other affair of a social nature is allowed to run, the schools may as well be in session.

50 years ago, 1958

• Gasoline prices tumbled 1 cent a gallon yesterday at some filling stations. Signs, which have been absent from in front of filling stations for some time, started appearing again yesterday with a posted price of 28.9 cents for regular gasoline. Most local stations have been selling regular gasoline lately for 29.8 cents a gallon with a few selling as low as 27.9 cents. All filling stations boosted the price of gasoline 3 to 5 cents a gallon several weeks ago after being at relatively low prices throughout the greater part of the winter.

• What happened to the public pay phone at the Lewiston Memorial Armory? That’s what Lewiston police were asking yesterday when it was discovered missing from its usual location on a corridor wall at the rear of the building. The pay phone was noticed gone from the wall at about 4 p.m., and all that was left were a few dangling wires.

25 years ago, 1983

• Only two-thirds of those required to participate on the first day of Lewiston’s new workfare program showed up for work under the program designed to put people to work for their welfare money. According to Welfare Director Beverly Heath, 24 of 36 persons assigned jobs showed up for work Monday at several different job sites. Ms. Heath said two of the 12 welfare recipients who did not show up were excused. However, she said the remaining persons who did not arrive at their job sites could lose their welfare benefits for up to 60 days unless they can show good cause.

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