“Remember Me?” by Sophie Kinsella; Dial Press Hardcover; 389 pages; $25

Lexi Smart is living a fantasy. She woke up from an accident to find herself rich, successful and married to a smoking hot man.

The only problem is that she can’t remember how she got to this happy place in life. Amnesia after a car accident has wiped out her memory of the past three years.

In trying to recover her past, Lexi gradually discovers that her perfect life isn’t everything it seems. Nor is she the person she thought she was.

Best-selling author Sophie Kinsella uses a familiar framework in her latest novel, granting Lexi’s dreams and then poking holes in them. Dozens of books and movies follow characters who discover their true selves only when they give up commonly held notions of success.

But Kinsella, who wrote the popular “Shopaholic” series, isn’t a chick lit icon for no reason.” Remember Me?” is good fun, a page-turner that will keep a reader up all night.

Twenty-eight-year-old Lexi is a sympathetic heroine who dreams of having her teeth fixed and hosting a disco party in her plush new loft apartment in London. After suffering with an absentee father, loser boyfriend and a lame job as an “associate junior” flooring sales manager, she’s understandably thrilled by the sudden windfall.

But she quickly learns that there’s a lot of work involved in dressing like a supermodel while being both the perfect corporate wife and a corporate executive for a struggling carpet company. Nevermind the fallout from her appearance on a reality show strikingly similar to “The Apprentice.”

There’s also the matter of men – two of them. Lexi wakes up to find herself with a “drop-dead gorgeous” husband and a lover who’s even better. It’s a shock for someone who can’t remember cheating before she got a knock on the head.

Unsurprisingly, Lexi manages to resolve her conflicts in the boardroom and bedroom and emerge happier than in either her “old” or “new” lives. But while the ending may be expected, it isn’t unsatisfying.

And there are a few inspired moments along the way, such as Lexi discovering that she and her lover have been commemorating rendezvous by planting sunflowers on his balcony. Her throat tightens with emotion, and perhaps in spite of oneself, so will a reader’s.

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