My apologies to those people who drive the Elm Hill Road in South Paris because, due to the recently dug ditches, I will now have to ride horseback on the road instead of beside it. That cannot be helped.

As folks know, there is very little room to get off the road in some places and none in others. I realize that I have the legal right-of-way, but I also understand that drivers do not like roadways impeded by a bicycle, much less a horse.

Motorists have always been respectful to me and my horse in the past — thank everyone for that. I am asking for continued patience now that motorists may have to go around me.

Just so people know — horses spook easily and may jump sideways at any time. So, I ask that motorists please slow down and pass my horse with caution. It will only take a couple of extra seconds and may save my life.

Patricia Gott, Paris

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