Dixfield’s selectmen should be subject to the citizens’ will. They should be ethical. But with the issue of wind power, their biased beliefs undermine an economic opportunity for Dixfield.

In 2012, Dixfield voters approved an ordinance that would bring wind turbines, along with tax and civic benefits to the town. Grammatical flaws resulted in stalling.

Dixfield residents indicated that they welcomed wind in a vote in November. Selectman Norman Mitchell’s reaction to the results — “Time to make it tougher and have another election.”

He was arrogant enough to put it on social media for all to see.

The proposed restrictive ordinance will be voted on in June.

Four selectmen have taken it upon themselves to “save” Dixfield from wind power. Mitchell is founder of a Facebook group called Maine Wind Power Moratorium Online Petition. The group’s goal is to discredit wind energy.


Selectmen Scott Belskis, Hart Daley and Dana Whittemore are all members. Daley and Mitchell are members of Victims of Industrial Wind.

This involvement in anti-wind groups shows a bias that should result in self-removal from voting on wind issues.

Four selectmen have allowed taxes to increase, prevented development of new industry and lost three years of civic benefits to the community while crediting non-scientific sources for their actions/inaction.

The proposed wind ordinance must be defeated, and two ethical selectmen elected who will honor the will of the people.

The staged validation of remarks, the misrepresentation of facts and the disrespect of the will of the people must stop.

Donald Lutick, Dixfield

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