I applaud the motion made at the Buckfield selectmen’s meeting to change the way the warrants are written to include a cap on dollar amounts. As a Budget Committee member, I believe that the amount written in the warrants should not be allowed to change to a higher amount.

The town manager meets with each department and addresses the needs of the departments; a budget is created based on those figures from the departments and sent to the Budget Committee. We make our recommendations based on those figures.

Anyone from the town or departments has the opportunity to come to the Budget Committee/selectmen meetings for discussions. Once that process is complete, the warrants are written and the townspeople vote in June.

Why not cap those numbers?

According to the Maine Municipal Association, “It should be noted that amendments to so-called “capped” money articles — articles in which the amount of money is contained in the actual wording of the article — are limited: The amount may only be decreased.”

I agree — the amounts in the articles should be capped and not be allowed to be raised. The amounts should be allowed to be lowered, but never raised. The only way amounts should be allowed to be raised is at a special town meeting where all townspeople are given the opportunity to address the issue.

I applaud the two selectman who voted for this cap; they are trying to protect residents’ tax dollars.

I suggest that, come next year, everyone come to the budget and selectmen’s meetings.

Penny Horsfall, Buckfield

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