NORTH NEW PORTLAND – Western Maine Audubon will sponsor a Carrabassett River bug outing from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 27.
Entomologist Marcia Siebenmann will lead participants on an exploration of what is flying, swimming and crawling in the Carrabassett River.
The trip will begin at the Wire Bridge with a short instructional session before hitting the stream with nets and pans to see what is there.
Siebenmann’s specialty is in aquatic invertebrates and she works for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife surveying mayflies. No equipment or experience is necessary.
However this is a get-wet, hands-on trip since those attending will be wading in shallow water, rain or shine. Wear appropriate footwear and clothes. For more information, call Steve Bien at 897 5215.

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