During the past few weeks, Gov. Paul LePage has again shown his inability to govern and to act in a rational manner.

He made a comment to 200 students that a cartoonist should be shot because of satirical cartoons about the governor the cartoonist has published. He is also accused of saying the Lewiston delegation should be rounded up and executed.

LePage claims to say what he means and means what he says. If that is the case, he is promoting the deaths of people who disagree with him — not the words of a rational, sane person.

He has also blackmailed the Goodwill Hinckley School into rescinding its contract offer to Mark Eves. If you follow LePage’s logic, Eves has no ethics or moral character by taking a job to deliberately ruin the school because he has opposed the way charter schools were funded.

LePage’s logic also dictates the board is unethical by hiring a man who would ruin the school. They must be incompetent to have considered him for the position.

In my opinion the only unethical, incompetent person in this scenario is a bully named LePage.

His latest gambit is that he does not trust department heads to hire workers. He is now micromanaging the hiring process of state employees. Micromanaging is not the mark of a good business person.

LePage does seem to have lost control. He certainly appears to have anger management issues. He also has a twisted sense of what ethical behavior is.

Stanley Tetenman, Poland

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