This fall, Lewiston has an opportunity to elect a mayor who will work for all of Lewiston rather than a select few.

He understands the issues affecting Lewiston, such as:

• a downtown that is not growing;

• neighborhoods filled with crime, poverty, hunger and poor living conditions; and

• new Mainers who, like the French before them, are seen as lazy and the cause of all of the city’s problems.

He would work diligently to encourage downtown growth that would benefit all of Lewiston, push for stronger code enforcement and hold the so-called slumlords accountable. He would address the issues rather than place blame.


This mayor wants Lewiston to be where businesses want to locate and where families want to live.

Educated, well spoken, approachable and rational are words that I would use to describe the next mayor of Lewiston.

I am speaking of Ben Chin.

Joe Mailey, Auburn

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