DIXFIELD — The Dixfield Congregational Church will host its annual Octoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 3.

Member Beverly Glover said the church typically hosts a festival near the start of autumn; if it’s in September, it’s Harvestfest and if in October, it’s Octoberfest.

“This year, it’s going to be an Octoberfest celebration, and as part of that, we host a breakfast for people to attend,” she said. There will be pumpkin waffles, pancakes and other food for $7.

There will be a raffle and sales of RATA knives, baked goods and mums.

“This always ends up being a popular event for us,” Glover said.

The church holds a Spring Fling in late April, a Strawberry Festival in the summer, and a Christmas fair in the winter.

All proceeds will go toward church activities and renovations.


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