Lewiston mayoral candidate Ben Chin continues to put forward meaningful proposals for the revitalization of the Lewiston community. These include creating a “model block” on Lisbon Street; encouraging owner-occupied housing in Lewiston, including cooperatives; and setting up an Office of New Mainers at City Hall to assist the integration of new residents.

He also suggests utilizing green technologies, especially solar power, to reduce energy costs and create good-paying manufacturing jobs. That proposal could help assist in the reuse of Bates Mill No. 5.

In contrast, what has Mayor Robert Macdonald done? Macdonald continues his campaign of fear that has characterized his two terms in office while offering no constructive ideas or direction for Lewiston. That is not leadership. Enough is indeed enough. He had his opportunity.

It is time for the positive change, hope and trust that Ben Chin can bring to Lewiston as the next mayor.

Jim Lysen, Lewiston

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