The Democratic Party has been hijacked by liberals. I wonder if any have even noticed? The new Democrats are anti-everything. They are the politically correct crowd at its worst.

They are against Christians, Israel, abortion and praying in public. They are against voter ID. (Why? Because illegals and dead people would not be allowed to vote.) Liberals are the new anti-free-speech wardens.

Most other countries have very strict voter-identification laws. Mexico, for instance, has a picture ID and a fingerprint. And in order to get that voter ID in Mexico, a person needs a birth certificate and other papers.

The new Democrats are very nasty when someone disagrees with them. They turn every argument into a personal attack.

They don’t argue the facts. For example, if someone doesn’t agree with Obama, they call that person racist; bigoted, if someone espouses conservative ideas; a terrorist, if someone clings to his 2nd Amendment rights; a right-wing loonie if a person is patriotic.


Most Democrats have their head in the sand and aren’t even aware of what is going on. They should wake up and take their party back before it is too late.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford

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