So many letter, so many views. In my old age, my Christian truths make no allowances for straying from the written word.

In the beginning, God made man and his companion, a woman. They were made different by physical and emotional design. Thus this joining of man and woman, sanctioned by God, became marriage. God made us allowances for gender or deviated purpose.

Since time began, Satan has been on a mission to invade man’s intellect and inflate man’s ego with his charm and evil persuasion. Morality is at an all-time low. Consequently, man believes he can change anything, do anything and tolerate anything in total disregard for a superior being. Logically, the equations of man plus man or woman plus woman do not sum up to marriage.

Why have state officials been drawn into the deceptive tide of words that conflict with Christian beliefs? Surely people must care and have empathy for other religions and other lifestyles. Gay or straight, people share in the protection and benefits this nation provides, yet they should not suffer the Christian God by the convolution of the term “marriage.” They should select another word to bond their vows that is in keeping with their personal relationship and their pursuit of happiness.

Perhaps, if that would come about, people might realize a mutual acceptance of their unique differences and leave the judging to God.

Margaret Roy, Auburn

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