LIVERMORE FALLS — Planning meetings have begun for restructuring the elementary schools in Regional School Unit 73.

Superintendent Kenneth Healey has met with the staff and principals of Jay and Livermore elementary schools. They will spend all remaining half days working on planning curriculum and collaboration to make the reconfiguration successful, he said.

Teachers will have to have all materials packed up for custodians by the close of day June 17.

Healey said he has been working with retiring head librarian Suzanne Cole. They are putting together a plan on how to move the school libraries so that age-appropriate books are where the students will be. Books will be moved June 20-30. 

Jay Elementary School Principal Chris Hollingsworth said the Parent Teacher Organizations from Livermore and Jay are working to realign the PTOs into one group.

School board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen asked whether there had been any feedback from teachers on the reconfiguration.


Hollingsworth said they are nervous about getting stuff done. They’re talking about what they need and what they are going to use. He has met with staff to talk about what assessments to use at the grade K-5 level.

“Some people are a lot more comfortable now,” he said.

Hollingsworth has told the staff to ask questions. He is spending at least an hour a day answering emails about logistics. He is also meeting with staff from the Livermore school who will be moving to the Jay school.

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