It is time to re-educate Lewiston Public Works personnel about how they do winter operations in the city. The salt and calcium chloride they put on the streets in winter are very destructive. Administration officials should either be re-educated, or replaced with fresh minds with fresh ideas to manage the operations.

My daughter lives in Aspen, Colo., where salt and calcium are not allowed because of their corrosive nature. There are many other states following suit. There are other alternatives to salt and calcium chloride that would benefit residents. Yes, those alternatives might cost more in the short run, but the long-term benefits are a no-brainer — municipal and taxpayers’ vehicles would last a lot longer.

Some people get stuck in their ways for far too long and those old ways are costing everybody thousands of dollars.

I have noticed nobody dares to speak up at Lewiston Public Works and the result is higher costs that the taxpayers have to absorb.

Lewiston Public Works has been doing the same-old, same-old ways for far too long.

Bob Pelletier, Lewiston

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