WILTON — The Rosaire-Couture family held its 25th reunion on July 9 at Kineowatha Park.

Upon arrival, many entered the 50/50 raffle.

Kim Couture made two cakes, one for the reunion and the other for Marquerite Slovak’s 95th birthday. Slovak was surprised when her daughter, Joyce Roma, placed the cake on her lap and everyone sang to her.

Sam Howes brought his genealogy papers he’s worked on for many years. He said he’s gone back to 742, and found kings, dukes, queens, duchesses and counts in the family. Many were surprised to learn of royalty in the family.

Kim called the business meeting to order after lunch. She was re-elected president. Members voted to hold the next reunion at Kineowatha Park on July 8, 2017. There will be a 50/50, and meal will be the same.

After the meeting, Alyssa Couture drew the name of the 50/50 winner. It was Howes. Door prize winners were Bruce Harvey, $10; Joyce Roma, $15; and Arnold Couture, $25.

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