Two years ago, Eric Brakey knocked on my door as a first-time candidate for the Maine Senate, asking for my concerns on state government. I didn’t know much about Brakey, but after speaking with him, I knew he genuinely cared about local people and standing for what’s right.

Just a few days ago, Brakey again made a personal visit to my home, asking for my thoughts on current issues and for my continued support. I was glad to see our senator at it again, traveling to thousands of doors to listen to his constituents.

Brakey listens to us and takes action in Augusta. If everyone in Augusta started taking notes from Brakey, we might fix government overnight. For Poland, Auburn, New Gloucester, Minot and Mechanic Falls, I am proud to support Sen. Eric Brakey for re-election this November, and I invite everyone to join me.

Jacquelyn Hodgdon, Poland

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