I am writing in response to recent letters supporting Question 2 on the November ballot that reads, “Do you want to add a 3 percent tax on individual Maine taxable income above $200,000 to create a state fund that would provide direct support for student learning in kindergarten through 12th grade public education?”

The common argument in favor of this additional tax is that it supposedly affects only 2 percent of Maine income earners. As a practicing CPA here in Maine, there is a problem with that argument, as I see it.

The individuals who would be affected are already paying significant taxes. If we assume that the affected individuals have more disposable income, then they are already paying higher real estate and excise taxes. With more disposable income, they are likely spending more money that is impacted by sales tax. Many of these taxpayers also choose to send their children to private schools that are not funded by taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, these are also the individuals who make significant charitable contributions to organizations here in Maine.

I could go on. However, let’s stop to consider that Maine is already one of the most heavily taxed states in the country. The problem is not the amount of taxes collected but rather how the politicians spend those tax dollars.

That problem contributes to more retirement dollars going to states such as Florida to avoid the Maine tax burden.

Mark Carrier, Lewiston

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