NORWAY — For the second time in six months, the Board of Selectmen reassured residents at Thursday’s public hearing that if they vote to dissolve the Oxford County Regional Recycling Corp. at the June 13 ballot, they will still be able to recycle.

Residents voted against dissolving the corporation in November.

Norway Paris Solid Waste board officials said they believed the article was voted down because people were confused and thought they would lose recycling if the corporation was dissolved.

However, Town Manager David Holt said Thursday that “Norway has a recycling ordinance,” and if the corporation is dissolved, “Norway and Paris will still be able to recycle.”

Selectman Warren Sessions Jr., who also serves as general manager of the corporation and the Norway-Paris Transfer Station, said that the transfer station would continue to do multi-sort recycling for residents from each town.

Sessions added that if the corporation is dissolved at the June 13 ballot, all of the towns who gave money to participate in it, including Norway and Paris, will be paid back.


“The towns all gave money to be in the corporation, based on population, and they’ll be paid back in the same way,” Sessions said, adding that the towns who have been in since “day 1, like Norway and Paris,” will receive extra.

Discussions about dissolution began in 2014 after the corporation lost two towns to single-stream recycling, and others began to consider following suit.

The Board of Selectmen said during Thursday evening’s public hearing that if residents vote to dissolve the Oxford County Regional Recycling Corp., the Norway Paris Transfer Station will continue to allow multi-sort recycling, meaning nothing will change for residents of Norway and Paris.

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