ROME (AP) – The first cases of an often-deadly virus that affects horses’ nervous systems have been diagnosed in Maine, prompting the state to quarantine two stables, state Veterinarian Don Hoenig said.

While the Neurological Equine Herpes Virus Type-1, or EHV-1, can be spread among horses, it is not contagious to humans.

A 3-year-old gelding in a private stable in Rome was euthanized on March 19. A day earlier, a 17-year-old horse at the died after showing similar signs.

Hoenig said an 8-year-old horse in Wales, which was previously housed for a short time at the Rome stable, was under treatment for neurologic signs consistent with EHV-1. The Department of Agriculture has placed both southern Maine stables under quarantine.

The Rome stable was boarding 13 horses belonging to different owners at the time of the outbreak.

EHV-1 is a respiratory illness that can also cause a paralytic neurologic disease. While considered rare, the virus has caused outbreaks in 10 other states, including California, where a number of ranches have been quarantined.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture on Thursday lifted a quarantine on 10 facilities due to the disease. Maryland, where race tracks were hit by an outbreak of EHV-1, has also lifted a quarantine.

“It seems to be on the rise, and in recent years we’ve been very concerned about it coming into our state,” Hoenig said.

Maine’s chief veterinarian believes the likely culprit in the state was a horse that carried the virus but did not immediately exhibit symptoms. Veterinarians are not sure whether EHV-1 is a unique disease or a mutated form of the more common herpes virus, which affects the respiratory system.

While it’s not certain that the vaccine administered for the more common form of the virus will protect the animals, Hoenig said owners should vaccinate their horses anyway.

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