This is a response to Lewiston Mayor Robert Macdonald, who responded May 24 to my letter of May 17. Macdonald wrote that I should check the other 98 percent of Lewiston.

First off, I have lived in Lewiston almost 65 years. I have seen Lewiston at its best and, now, I see it at its worst. I delivered freight in Lewiston years ago. I could spend the better part of a morning just on Lincoln Street delivering and picking up. I also worked construction in Lewiston for a number of years. I worked for the city of Lewiston for almost 28 years. I know Lewiston — every nook and cranny.

I don’t know why Macdonald tried to make me look bad while trying to make Lewiston the city it is not. He may see empty buildings as blight; most taxpayers see them as lost tax revenue.

There are way too many empty lots lined with boulders that hurt the city. Every day, it seems, another building goes by way of the excavator.

On another note, I believe Lewiston needs three more city councilors like Councilor Michael Lachance. That would surely benefit the taxpayers of Lewiston. There are too many “yes” people on the council as it is. Lachance isn’t afraid to rattle a few cages. And yes, I mean the rain tax. Before that, there was a “ready to serve” charge.

City officials always seem to find a way to take more of the taxpayers’ money.

Bob Pelletier, Lewiston

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